FPSA Plastic injection workshop

Legal notices


In accordance with recommendation 2005-284 of the CNIL, this web site has not been subject to a declaration as such. However, all current or future data processed by said site has been or will be declared to the CNIL (French National Commission for Data Protection and Liberties).

In accordance with articles 38 and 40 of the law 2004-801 of 06/08/2004, you possess the right of access, rectification and deletion of any data which concerns you. This right can be exercised on line, by sending an email to the address contact@fpsa.fr or by post, to the following address : FPSA, 300 rue de la prairie - Z.I. Sud Bellignat BP 87 01116 OYONNAX CEDEX

Procedures of exercise for the right of access

Before sending you any personal data, we request that you provide us proof of your identity. If you are not able to prove your identity, we reserve the right to refuse any transmission of your personal data.

We strive to answer all queries as quickly as possible. Regarding the rights of rectification and deletion : the required conditions are identical to those concerning the right of access.

Intellectual property

All software creations found on our site, the administrative back-offices, the services offered (forum, live chat support, guest book….) are original creations and are protected by Copyright.

Content of the site (texts, articles…) is the exclusive property of its authors and cannot be reproduced or used in any way without their express agreement. Texts coming from outside sources have been reproduced with implicit or explicit agreement of their respective authors.

All constituent parts of the site structure (photos, images, logos…) are also protected by Copyright and are the exclusive property of above-mentioned company.

To this end, reference is made to source sites and to respective authors.

FPSA and PLASTENS are registered names and trademarks & exclusive properties of the company legally protected under the European Union.

Right of reply on the site

In accordance with article 6 IV of the law n°2004-575, any natural or legal person named or designated on the site www.fpsa.fr has a right of reply to the message he/she addresses to headquarters, without prejudice to requests for correction or deletion.

The request to exercise this right of reply, addressed to the publication director, must be transmitted within 3 months from the date of public issue of the message justifying this request.


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Site creation and hosting

Our site is hosted on the servers of the Novagence company.


You can contact us at the address : contact@fpsa.fr for any information request, or to exercise your right of access.