To be closer to you, we offer this new website that will allow you to follow in near real time, our innovations and our achievements.
Proud to see the evolution of our family business, we’ll share with you the moments we live and the work that we are passionate about.
Understand our job and follow our news were the driving lines of this new website. An easy navigation will allow you to follow our evolution, from the creation of the company in 1981 until today.
The states of mind of our company and its commitment to quality have been put forward because for us, values are essential.
You’ll discover all our certifications in the different fields of action as well as our integrated policy. Concerned about well-being at work and preserving the planet, our innovative and committed company has been awarded the "Silver" rating by the Ecovadis platform.
Understand the different facets of our profession : plastic injection for plasturgy

A communication tool at your disposal
Finally, you can easily reach us through our contact form and we’ll be there to answer all your questions.
A tool for you and our future collaborators our job offers and send your spontaneous application online.